Add to Queue: Morning Forever Faves (2023)


Pushing, Pulling, is a compilation of the heartbreak and joy you’ve experienced in the past three years. What was your favorite part of putting together the album?

HEATHER NEUMANN: My favorite part of putting together the album was all the time spent with my bandmates. All the crying and the throwing ideas around, to me really make up the substance of the album more than any sound ever could.

NINA FOREMAN: My favorite part of making the record were the long days we spent recording. The very beginning of our recording journey is what felt most satisfying to me, as we could feel the vibes of the songs beginning to emerge and we’d spend hours trying to solidify them. It was most fun to be together with all of our separate ideas, and finding ways to combine them and create something that resonates with all of us.

RAE MARCOS: I enjoyed when the three of us would listen back to something we’ve recorded and tune into each other’s sounds. Listening to our individual forms of expression come together into one song made me feel so close to Heather and Nina. I also enjoyed the breaks and acts of care for ourselves and each other we took in between all the hard work- making breakfast, talking about what the songs mean, practicing yoga. I feel like these moments are what build our friendship and make playing music together more natural to us.

What lyric on pushing, pulling do you think best encompasses the meaning or theme of the album? 

HN: “I’m tired of feeling insane” (Clean Break) or “I’m desperate for a fresh start” (Clean Break) The whole album is an ode to the experiences and feelings we’re ready to let go of in order to make room for all the good that the future holds. I think for all of us it's been a hard year of feeling a lot of the same things, we’re ready for what's to come.  

NF: This one’s hard, but “let the dust settle where it’s meant to be,” (Stuck) and also, “it’s contradictory, beat a dead horse and get back to me,” (Concrete).

RM: “Escape the weight of time”

What was the album that inspired you to create music? 

HN: I don’t think there was one particular album which inspired me to really start making music, it was more so something I started doing just for the love of the act of creating. It is and has always been a way to create and connect with my friends and to aid each other in our individual self-expressions. When one of us goes through something, we all feel it and then play music about it. It’s like group therapy, lol.

NF: I agree that there wasn’t a particular album that inspired us as a group to make music, we more so just started turning our feelings into songs by learning to play our instruments together. Most of the process of creating music has also been us learning how to play music.  I think the album that made me individually realize I wanted to make music was probably You Turn Me On by Beat Happening or like Capacity by Big Thief.

RM: There wasn’t one particular album, but I do feel very connected to Julia Jacklin’s Crushing. Her music got me through a lot of heartbreak in 2019 when I first turned to guitar and songwriting. I really appreciated how personal her lyrics felt, and how softly she expressed herself. On a more technical level, listening to Rules by Alex G introduced me to new song structures and helped me think outside of more common chords and tunings.

You get to spend the day with an artist. Who are they and what are you doing? 

HN: Alex G and we’re gonna smoke weed and hang out with his new baby lmao

NF: Literally I don’t know who else I’d wanna hangout with other than Alex G lol…. I'm like I wanna hangout with Leo Sun, Mik Sulllivan, xela fella and Rosebuddy (our very awesome and cool friends who inspire us to make music you should definitely be listening to)

RM: Horsegirl and we are playing a show with them lol

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